Sunday, 10 January 2016

Microsoft, Samsung showcase smart home tech

Collaboration between companies expands to IoT.
Microsoft announced a partnership with Samsung to develop smart home devices operating on Windows 10.
During the keynote address at CES 2016 Samsung Las Vegas, Microsoft EVP president Terry Myerson Samsung and CMO Dr. Won-Pyo Hong IoT joined to describe the strategy of Microsoft.

A demonstration showed the IO interoperability between virtual assistant to 10 supported Samsung devices IO Cortana and Windows.

At the event, Windows Cortana was called by the voice to request the status of a chip of Samsung washing machine, and was invited to create graphs showing the use of the device for each household member.
"With Samsung, we are very pleased to have this shared vision of millions of devices and the things that communicate via open protocols and open standards," Myerson said.

Dr. Hong said that the associations "are the foundation of success IoT," and he was proud to have Microsoft on board his new partner the IO.

The announcement of this partnership follows the launch last December of the versions of the IO-lists Microsoft Windows 10, allowing manufacturers to design and implement the integration between hardware and the operating system.

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