Sunday 13 September 2015

Apple’s iPad Pro proves

Apple’s iPad Pro proves Microsoft was always right about the Surface

Apple released a slew of new devices. But the announcement was not the most impressive new iPhone, Apple TV or redesigned luxury new Montre Hermès.

The surface was a version of Microsoft - or at least something much like him. Of course, I speak of the iPad Pro, which Apple claims to have the power of desktop-class team and you can buy a keyboard cover - * sigh * - a stylus (which Apple calls a pencil).

 Rather than being a giant tablet with steroids, iPad Pro is a watershed device to Apple for the first time, the company is deliberately blurred the line between their tablets and laptops.

So far, iPads were largely in the consumption of media and testing occasionally on the road, when you turned a MacBook for whatever you want to consider "serious" work. For the average user, which actually was never an issue in which they have to buy.

Things are different now. By showing the processing power and officially throw their weight behind focused on productivity accessories, Apple suggests a vision of the not very dissimilar computers Microsoft tablet that can replace our laptops.

This does not mean that the traditional laptop going away anytime soon - I doubt even Microsoft wants - but the iPad Pro displays a form factor of the surface, as has a real place in the market today.

IPad Pro is supposed to be thin enough to take almost anywhere light, but powerful enough to do most of what you can on a laptop. This is precisely the versatility of the Surface and Windows 10 are intended to enable. Apple could have chosen its mobile operating system foundation, rather than the office, but the ultimate goal is the same.

Of course, the iPad Pro can not do everything the Microsoft Surface or a good laptop can now. IOS still runs, so it lacks the myriad applications of Windows 10 OS X and industry standards.

But that point; this is what the tablet can do, not the operating system is running. Pro IPad applications may not be the same as you get in a laptop, but Apple makes sure you know that the new tablet could do the same kind of thing, only with a different interface:

  •     Most ad Pro is dedicated to productivity, image manipulation and video editing, no games, movies and reading. Apple Microsoft even brought himself on stage demonstration table.
  •     Performance figures are compared with laptops and desktop computers, not other tablets.
  •     If Apple specifies touch was the main way to interact with the iPad, stylus and keyboard are displayed outside suggest precision and accuracy similar to a computer.
  •     iOS 9 introduces new features that you would expect from a desktop computer, such as multi-window multitasking support, and other improvements. These characteristics apply to the Air and the iPad, but Apple clearly had the Pro into account in designing them.
  •     When the last time you even considered 4K edited three videos at the same time? Who cares - Apple has made sure he knew the iPad Pro, you can.

That said, the transition was probably inevitable. Tablet shipments have declined significantly in the last two years, so that Apple was forced to make an iPad more useful - especially now that the phones are large enough to be mini-tablets in their own right.

Microsoft has noticed this trend before anyone; simply stumble trying to get ahead of the game. IPad and iOS Pro 9 are merely the surface and Windows RT could have been if Microsoft had obtained this right.

Of course, if the iPad Pro really boost sales of the tablet it remains to be seen, but it's hard to imagine that cannibalize MacBook sales. If not immediately, then certainly one or two generations.

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