Sunday 6 November 2016

Microsoft's dream of Windows on phones is as good as dead — and that's great for Microsoft

With 1% of global market share, the chances of Microsoft Windows to become an important player game smartphones are basically dead.

It's time to let Windows Phone go, and move on

 It seems that Microsoft: In addition to a video camera in the new smartphone X3 Elite HP, the operating system Windows Mobile 10 did not observe any look at the essential fact microsoft The last area.

And in an interview with Mary Jo Foley of ZDNet this week, the head of Terry Myerson Windows, said the main reason Microsoft is still working on its Windows Mobile 10 operating system is an investment in the technology of an effort to build a commercially viable product.

 By continuing to work on Windows Mobile 10, Myerson said, Microsoft generally improves when working with mobile devices with ARM processors - the same type of low-power chips for smartphones that Apple uses in its latest MacBooks, but PC with windows has never been fully supported.

"When you stop investing in these things is super hard, super, super hard reboot," Myerson said Foley.

It is a great blessing to Microsoft. The slow death of Windows phones is a setback for Microsoft, to be sure. But now that is done, and the albatross around the neck of the company is rising, smarter Microsoft and begins to rise.

Death spiral

Microsoft has spent the premiere release of Windows 10, claiming that the new operating system could reach one billion active devices in three years, on PCs, phones, tablets, HoloLens holographic glasses and Xbox One.

A major reason for Microsoft's insistence to get one billion users were to attract developers of Windows Store, the market available applications in Windows 10 on all devices. It would be a billion potential customers for application vendors, and hopefully enough to attract them away from focusing on both iPhone and Android.

And the idea was, this proliferation of applications would lead to more people buy phones with Windows, resolving the huge gap in the implementation of the platform. I have been a bold and clever plan to help Microsoft to gain ground on Apple and Google. It's a shame it does not really work that way at all.

 Earlier this year, Microsoft announced an indefinite postponement of this objective that the industry Windows Phone slumped even more. A little over a year of execution in Windows 10, which has more than 400 million active devices, with the rate of deceleration of growth as offering free upgrade to Microsoft expires.

And the Windows Store is still quite sorry. Companies like Facebook and Uber includes windows 10 applications, but there is no sign of cooler small businesses like Snapchat make their products available in the store.

All this to say, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella gave him the best chance I could. It did not work, and now Microsoft is taking a step back and refocus on the things that society is very, very good.

Blessing in disguise

 This boils down to this: Thanks to a smart and aggressive to attract niche company with its surface work and because he did well to put their best stuff on other platforms, is Microsoft best of your situation.

Microsoft telephony business can be a disaster, but the overall hardware business the company is stronger than ever. Microsoft Surface Pro Surface tablet and portable book represent a lucrative business of more than $ 4 billion per quarter. Soon the surface highly anticipated PC Studio will join the range.

 So, yes, maybe Microsoft does not win on smartphones, now or never. And it seems increasingly unlikely that even the "surface of the phone" long-rumored to reverse the trend, if it never actually hit the market.

 But if the goal is to get Windows to many more places, then the current company strategy surface makes a lot of sense. It is building the best laptops and tablets out there - and win converts as the Apple Mac This makes Windows more attractive to a whole new audience..

Meanwhile, applications of Microsoft Office for iPhone and Android are still some of the best ways to do work on the road, giving the company a growing and growing presence on smartphones people at home and the job.

This is not good for the ego of owning the platform, but it also means that Microsoft has Apple and hard work for Google to attract customers. And no more distraction for Microsoft have to worry about its own operating, system as well.

So we will continue to work on Microsoft Windows Mobile 10 as a technical project and keep the dream alive for the remaining handful of fans of smartphones Microsoft. The company is trying to take intelligent action that will eventually carry it out no matter how the market turns.

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