Sunday 18 October 2015

Leaked Continuum Video Shows Microsoft Has Found Its Mojo Again

Something happened in Redmond. Anyway, it was enough to mix some returning echoes here with someone who has ceased to Windows as a platform more than a decade to OSX. Sure, I could stand here and quote statistics all night about Android vs Windows vs OSX (and iOS in its various forms), but that point.

A video filtering and then pulled by Microsoft has surfaced that shows some of the Continuum capabilities, a feature of Windows 10 that Microsoft announced months ago, but little has been revealed about it. Essentially turns your Windows Mobile device into a desktop and allows you to use a mouse and a keyboard with running applications across as if they are on a computer running Windows 10.

I was embedded with Apple for more than a decade, but I'm moving slowly away from the ecosystem, and Microsoft is once again getting my interest. Windows 8 is a catastrophe. I received some HP Win8 tablet use for years, but the operating system was so intuitive that I returned to the office for the Classic. Exasperated, I just gave up after a few months of use.

In a Lumia 930 also gave me (after the flagship Nokia Lumia range before the recent announcements 950XL and 950) and found a really capable smartphone, but certainly before an audience of Microsoft, and I daresay one business-oriented rather than a consumer base in general. Actually I could not hold against an iPhone 6 Although the upper chamber, and the biggest drop was the App Store (or simply the lack of applications) that, according to Microsoft, there have been 16 million downloads 669K some applications now available through the Windows Store (being half the amount available in the Apple app store, for example). You could say that if the Windows Mobile platform is not supposed to be full of clones nonsense games, which, if you have taken this into account in Google Play and Apple App Store, so I'm sure the number of applications available would be closer to Microsofts. In a word, if I found a little less discomfort with the Samsung S6 now I have to stop screaming constant attention draining battery applications.

While the surface has not hit home for me personally, the paper surface is a completely different proposition. The comparison with the surface and the iPad was inevitable when he was released, but unfair surface for me represented a device for different uses than the iPad. I certainly do not see people waving a surface for selfies, indicating why people are still treated differently than the Windows iDevices Apple devices. This could simply be a perception of the legacy of being a business oriented operating system

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